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knitted skirt

Look of the day

colder days

December 29, 2014


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this year I couldn’t wait for the colder days to finally arrive. I guess this year I’m more prepared than usual, I finally know what I want to wear in winter. And what i really want to wear is these suede Zara boots I got a couple weeks ago. Normally this shape would look a bit old-fashioned to me but not this season, 70’s are in, remember?

I’m wearing:

Shearling coat – Forever21 (similar one here, here and here)
Top and knitted skirt – Sheinside
Boots – Zara
Bag – Zara


Look of the day

Look of the Day: Preppy Style

November 25, 2012

Hey, everybody, hope you’re having a lovely weekend! I’m spending mine tearing between work and social life, so far none of which successful. Here’s an outfit I wore a couple days ago, like I said before, I’m all into skirts, trying to wear all possible combinations before it gets too cold for them :) This time I wanted to create sort of a preppy look, so I chose a denim button up and added contrast woolen gloves to finish off the look. Let me know if you like it and have a great day!

I’m wearing:
Faux leather sleeve coat – Zara
Shirt – Asos
Knitted skirt – Vila 
Boots – Zara
Bag – VJstyle
Gloves – gifted (similar ones here and here

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